Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Pride of Construction

OK so I've spent hours this week mulling over my lack of deck building abilities and I've really been working hard putting together decks, play testing, disassembling, then starting over again.

I began building an Angel deck but quickly realized I had about 5 angels and they're incredibly expensive and I don't have cards that would get me that card from the deck - ok well I have some black cards that will do that IE graveyard regeneration - but I didn't want to play with black - I wanted to play blue and white.

So I started seeing a pattern of cards here - preventing damage by disabling opponents creatures IE Arrest and Pacifism, Gaining life via lifelink abilities and instants, and building an army in the air. The creatures in my deck are all flyers, and for the few that are not, I utilize Air Bladder - and the big blow comes from Pride of the Clouds.

Guess what! This deck DELIVERS!

When I won last night, for the first time in about 2 weeks - I relished in this win, literally throwing up my arms in a V yelling "victory is mine!!"

1 comment:

  1. That card is sweet.
    I was never to great at building decks, it is a trial and error, effort over time deal. However, if you focus on a limited amount of colors, this helps greatly.
    One of the best decks I have ever seen was a red and green deck of all 1 or 0 cast cost creatures and dd. you could reduce land significantly and pile on the small creatures. It's only flaw was it couldn't survive multiplayer games or long duals.
